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Homework is an essential part of the curriculum developing students’ ability to learn independently and extending work done in the classroom. Homework will take many different forms including: planning, preparing, revising, learning, reading, speaking, designing, drawing, collecting, re-drafting, improving, researching information and written tasks to consolidate or extend learning. Some homeworks may be an extended tasks, which will take several days or even a number of weeks to complete, for example a long essay or piece of Art work. Homework will be recorded on Go4schools.

Parents’ frequently asked questions

How much homework should I expect my child to do each night?

In Year 7, approximately half an hour of homework per subject per week, rising to an hour per subject per week in Year 9. In Years 10 and 11, around two hours of homework per subject per week.

These are averages, and may vary over the year. For example, students in Years 10 & 11 can expect more homework when preparing for controlled assessments.

What about homework in the sixth form?

As a rule of thumb, students can expect an hour of homework/additional tasks for each lesson taught. This amounts to about five hours for each single A Level or Level 2 course per week. In addition, students are also expected to do background reading and be familiar with items in the news as is appropriate for their chosen subjects.

How do I know if my child has been set any homework?

Parents/carers and students are able to see homework tasks using the Go4schools online system.

Will homework require the use of a computer?

Some aspects of research or presentation may benefit from the use of a computer. There are facilities available in school to assist if needed.

Is there a homework club?

There is study support available in the school Resource Centre after school Monday – Thursday, 3.00pm – 4.30pm. Teaching assistants are on hand to assist and advise, and there are computers available for supervised use. In addition, the Resource Centre which opens at 8.00am each day, remains open until 5.30pm Monday – Thursday, 5.00pm Fridays. There is at least one librarian on hand to assist students at all times.

How is homework marked?

Homework will be checked for completion on the due date. It is the responsibility of the student to hand in work on the due date, including homework, unless he or she is absent (when it should be handed in as soon as possible upon the student’s return to school). If work is not handed in on time, it may not be marked.

What happens if my child isn’t able to complete the homework set by the due date?

If students are unable to complete homework, or are falling behind with deadlines, they should speak to their subject teacher and form tutor as a matter of urgency. It is helpful if parents can supply a note to this effect. In such cases students will be helped to meet the deadline or to complete the work as soon as possible if agreed by their teacher.